Yes and no. There are some states that do not require ApexCLE to seek course approval as long as the courses are approved in Illinois. For instance, Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Missouri, New Hampshire and Vermont do not approve or accredit CLE providers or individual programs - attorneys must self-determine whether a program is eligible for credit, and self-report their attendance. However, most other states require filing a sponsor application and/or course application and review before approving the CLE sponsor and/or course for publication. You can check to see if your state has approved a particular course by going to “Courses” and selecting your individual state, OR, at the bottom of the description of the individual course you are interested in, “States Allowed” indicates the states in which the course is approved.
Attorneys who are satisfying the CLE requirement of another mandatory CLE state or who take courses approved for CLE by another state will receive credit for courses approved in that jurisdiction through reciprocity. Attorneys relying on reciprocity must ensure that they are also meeting the requirements of their state’s program. A course taken that has not been approved in a mandatory CLE jurisdiction will not have the benefit of reciprocity.